Description: A blog website sharing editorial / opinionated commentary on global economics, politics and other related or relevant topics.
Products & Services: This website markets various branded publications, videos and reports - primarily in digital format - for sale in its online store. Access credentials and/or digital products are emailed to customers following the purchase, while physical merchandise is shipped as described. The company also periodically conducts online and in-person events.
Terms & Conditions: Please visit
Description: A software-as-a-service research website / platform providing access to global market analysis generated by proprietary computer models. Also referred to as the "standard version" of the Socrates Platform.
Products & Services: This is a membership platform open to a general audience, billed monthly on customer credit card and can be cancelled at any time.
Terms & Conditions: Please visit
Description: Designed as an upgrade to, this version provides access to additional research information generated by the proprietary computer models. Also referred to as the "business version" of the Socrates Platform.
Products & Services: This version of the Socrates Platform is exclusively sold via software license agreement with minimum fee and term length.
Terms & Conditions: Contained within the software license agreement signed by customers. For more information, please visit
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